Saturday, December 4, 2010

Money for Education = Bad?

This last assignment is to critique a fellow student’s blog regarding a Texas state issue.  I have to disagree on some points made by my fellow classmate Reanna.  Reanna’s blog “Race to the Top Funding” discusses the hot issue of Federal funding for our schools.  I am struck by a comment that Reanna made, “We are doing what works best for our Texas students and I doubt Washington D.C. knows more than people who live here.”  I am sorry but I have to disagree with this statement.  Texas is lagging so far behind in education that I am surprised the federal government hasn’t ordered Texas to do something about it yet.  We have the highest drop put rate and some of the lowest SAT scores.  We are one of the lowest ranked states for per pupil spending.  I do not think we are doing what’s best for Texas and Washington may actually be able to do this one better.
I do think it is getting better for Texas kids but I think we could stand to do a lot better and maybe the Feds can help with that.  Reanna also stated, “Parent involvement plays a crucial role in the participation and drive of students”.  I am really confused as to why you think parent involvement will dwindle if we apply for this program.  As a parent I have, and will continue to be a large part of my daughter’s success as a student.  I study with her after school and I stay on her to get her assignments done.  The other pivotal people in her success are her teachers.  Her teachers are amazing.  My daughter is a 7th grader and I have never had a teacher refuse to stay late to help her or not go out of their way if she is struggling.  Her teachers want her to learn and make a personal investment in her learning.  If this program would make it so my daughter’s school life would be better and her teachers are treated better than sign me up!  We need more programs to help our kids succeed and I think this program will help us do that and get us out of the rut we are in educationally.  I wish Reanna the best as a teacher!  J

As my last blog comes to a close I have to admit I have enjoyed this more than I thought.  Texas Government has been way less boring than I anticipated and this Blog was more than mildly tolerable.  Best of wishes to you all