Friday, November 12, 2010

Passion may Ignite Change??

I am writing a personal commentary on Dan’s Blog five titled, “ Education…The Governor’s Responsibility”.  I had not planned on critiquing this particular student’s piece of writing because I did not feel it would be good “sportsmanship” since he critiqued mine.  But after reading all of my classmates’ blogs (twice) I realized Dan’s blog was the only one that left me even mildly interested.  I am quite confused about the point of Dan’s commentary but I think it vaguely resembles some sort of gripe about politics/education.  Although I may be unsure about the writer’s point to the whole blog I do respect his straight forward attitude about things.
 I may not believe in bringing corporal punishment back to the schools in order to teach discipline but I do understand his point.  The idea that parents need to quit treating schools like a daycare does not fall on deaf ears either.  I appreciate the fact that he has put some thought into the fact that our kids don’t have as much respect as they used to and that parents are not held accountable for their kids education.  As a parent I would disagree but he has a valid point. 
While I may disagree with Dan’s strategies to fix the problem of education in Texas (including the lack of discipline towards the little dirt bags that need it), I agree with another point he makes.  He states, “Politicians always spin what they say and never give direct answers”.  This to me is the whole point of this article.  We can sit around spinning which way looks right but nothing is going to change because none of it is real.  It is all for show.  Dan makes the point that Texas spends 40% of its budget on education but the schools still suck!  So here we are again.  The Right wants to spank the kids and the Left want to provide services to people who may not deserve them.  Neither of these approaches comes anywhere near solving the problem of the sub-standard education that our kids in Texas receive. 
Until politicians stop trying to feed us full of crap on what is going to solve the “education crisis” nothing will change.  I propose that more politicians need to be opinionated such as myself and my classmate Dan.  It seems neither of us is afraid to say what is on our mind.  Left and Right need to duke it out in a way that makes sense, that leads to something. I have more respect for someone who preaches to bring back the wooden paddle than I do for someone who just tells people what they want to hear.  Our politicians need to reignite their passion for issues that need changing instead of worrying about whose butt they are going to kiss today.  Thank you for an article that invoked a little bit of feeling!  :-)

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